Hope Habits Blog
Resilience is a decision we can make every day.
Hope in Action: How Setting Micro Goals Activates Grit and Mindfulness
We know the importance of setting short and long-term goals, but what about micro goals? Even setting goals for the next hour can be a game changer for your mind, your sense of ambition, and your wellbeing.
The Mask of Denial: Toxic Positivity and Spiritual Bypassing
Toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing are two concepts of denial of the negative experiences of human emotion. In this article we explain what these concepts are and why they’re harmful for our emotional well-being.
Give it a Rest: How Taking Breaks Can Supercharge Your Productivity
Most of us struggle with making time to rest and recharge. Finding moments of stillness and calm can be a challenge, but I looked back over the last year to see what made it such a productive year for me, and I’ve noticed that it was how rest showed up in my life.