Hope Habits Blog
Resilience is a decision we can make every day.
How Having Gratitude and Hope Is Different From Having Goals
The world we live in encourages us to be ever achieving and striving toward our next goal. But what does it do to our sense of abundance to always be thinking about what we don’t have, rather than what we do?
Unlocking the Power of Hope, Optimism, and Human Flourishing
Hope is a force that propels us toward our goals. Resilience and optimism also play a role in human flourishing. But how?
Why do we sometimes get stuck in our negative thoughts?
In many ways, the condition of being human sets us up for negative thinking. The good news is that it’s natural. The bad news is getting stuck in our negative thinking can cause depression and other issues. By understanding how this works, we can shift our thinking to hopefulness.
Hope in Action: How Setting Micro Goals Activates Grit and Mindfulness
We know the importance of setting short and long-term goals, but what about micro goals? Even setting goals for the next hour can be a game changer for your mind, your sense of ambition, and your wellbeing.
Give it a Rest: How Taking Breaks Can Supercharge Your Productivity
Most of us struggle with making time to rest and recharge. Finding moments of stillness and calm can be a challenge, but I looked back over the last year to see what made it such a productive year for me, and I’ve noticed that it was how rest showed up in my life.
How the Science of Hope Can Change Negative Habits Into Positivity
Explore the science behind chronic negative thinking and find out how to flip the switch that leads to positivity and hope. Just like choosing a different water source, you have the power to steer your thoughts in a new, positive direction. Get practical insights on how to recognize and change your thought habits, empowering you to build emotional resilience and break free from the default network that keeps you stuck in a loop of negativity.